since ‎Dec-17-2003

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Looking for some advice concerning a power roof Rockwood pop up. I do not have the model number (my daughter just purchased it) but the roof goes up just fine but as soon as you take your finger off of the jack button it coasts back to the closed po...
It was one week ago today that Sassy underwent her surgery to remove her left hind leg due to ostiosarcoma (bone cancer). The idea of the surgery was to make whatever time she has left as pain free as possible. I am told that MOST of the time when ...
The common practice of having "forced options" for which the customer pay extra is not being used by Ferrari (with a small difference). They are not QUITE forcing the options but if you don't order them you can't get special 'deals' on the vehicles....
Some of you may already know I had to have my 7 year old Flat Coat Retriever put down last January due to a brain tumor. It was a painful experience for me to do this but she was suffering terribly. I rescued her from a local rescue organization th...
Rankings for most reliable vehicles and their average miles expected put Toyota and Honda at the number 1 & 2 spots but Ford is #3, closely followed by Dodge at #4 and Chevy at #5. Pretty impressive showing by 10 vehicle brands ranked by mo...